AVR схема прошивка ATmega32.narod.ru                                                                       ARM  начинающим

Схемы и проекты на микроконтроллере AVR ATmega32  

      Это реальные и очень интересные устройства

           студентов корнельского университета.

           Вы может собрать их самостоятельно !
Микроконтроллер ATmega32A1  ATmega32M1 ATmega32C1

Как прошить микроконтроллер AVR


Ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы по программированию микроконтроллеров
(скачать FAQ)

Компиляторы CVAVR, WinAVR, ICC, IAR, KEIL

Микроконтроллер ATmega16A1  ATmega64M1 ATmega64C1


Краткий Курс - Самоучитель

Микроконтроллеры AVR ,  ATmega
и ATtiny для начинающих с нуля ! 



Симуляторы PROTEUS
   и VMLAB   
(скачать VMLAB  и  PROTEUS)


КНИГИ  - скачайте и читайте ! вот НЕСКОЛЬКО

Библиотека книг для скачивания  и чтения



These projects were produced in the last month of ECE 4760 each spring. The students were given the responsibility of choosing their project, then designing and building it. The microcontroller used is the ATmega32 series. The students must stay within a very limited monetary budget. See the assignment for further description. The project numbers are for identification and do not represent ranking. Send comments or questions to Bruce Land, Electrical and Computer Engineering.


Cornell University
ECE 476
Microcontroller Design
Final Projects


Настройка проекта в WinAVR и отладка в PROTEUS и в AVR Studio

По годам выпуска cтудентов:  2009   2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999


  Весна 2009

(hackedgadgets, reddit, scienceprog, avrfreaks, hacknmod, levoltz, synbio, AVRsite, )
  1. ATmega644 JTAG Debugger
  2. Ultrasonic Haptic Vision (MP4, MP4, MP4)
  3. Haptic appointment manager (MP4 lots of wind and construction noise)
  4. 3D ultrasonic mouse (MP4, MP4, MP4)
  5. 3D scanner (MP4) (hackedgadgets)
  6. Gesture Recognition Based on Scratch Inputs (MP4) (uelectronics, )
  7. LED Sensor Keyboard (MP4 7Mb) (hackaday)
  8. Touchpad/Infrared Music Synthesizer (MP4)
  9. Programmable Synthesized Guitar (MP4)
  10. Der Kapellmeister (MP4)
  11. IR harp (MP4, MP4)
  12. Digital Receipts System (hackedgadgets, zedomax, uelectronics, )
  13. ODB-II Automotive data interface (hackaday, )
  14. Traction control system
  15. ACL Research: Foot Acceleration Sensor
  16. Fart Intensity Detector (MP4) (kitecrazy, hackaday, Popular Science sept09, Dvice, )
  17. Dual-Channel Mobile Surface Electromyograph (MP4)
  18. Tissue Impedance Digital Biopsy
  19. GPS Data Logger with Wireless Trigger (hackaday)
  20. Self-Adjusting Window Shade
  21. Weather Canvas (MP4)


 ПОЧТОЙ по России !
  Программаторы USB AVR PIC ARM 8051
, прошивание микроконтроллеров AVR PIC LPC ARM 8051 на заказ, изготовление "любительских" печатных плат по ЛУТ технологии, сборка электронных наборов - Мастер Кит и других, закупка для вас радио деталей электронных компонентов в "Тэрраэлектроника" + добавлю резисторы и конденсаторы + отправка почтой, изготовление электронных устройств для вас на заказ не дорого по вашим схемам или разработаю сам, другие услуги для радио электронщиков любителей, для мастеровых людей и хоббийщиков RC моделистов и для строящих Роботов, компоненты для самодельных станков с ЧПУ.                                      

      На сайте  -  "МК ПОЧТОЙ народ РУ"



Программатор для AVR на USB


Собран и проверен -
стоит всего 500 рублей  
в Москве, а по России пересылка почтой всего 100 рублей.

В подарок к программатору вы бесплатно получаете дополнительный микроконтроллер ATmega8 -16PU и уникальный DVD с материалами по электронике и библиотекой КНИГ !

Микроконтроллер ATmega8 прошитый для этого программатора можно приобрести отдельно  за 120 рублей + схема и и рисунок платы.

Программатор позволяет питать ваше устройство от USB.

Скачать документацию на программатор.

Обращайтесь к Семенову Михаилу.



Электронные компоненты ПОЧТОЙ из "Тэрраэлектроника" - мои услуги - это 350 рублей для заказов до 1500 руб. оплаты в Тэрру, 450 руб. для заказов на сумму 1500-3000 рублей и 650 рублей для заказов стоимостью более 3000 рублей.  После получения денег я выкупаю ваш заказ в "Тэрраэлектроника" или получаю если его оплатили вы сами и отправляю его вам почтой.  Укомплектую резисторами и конденсаторами.


Программатор отладчик для всех микроконтроллеров PIC на USB - PICkit2

Полный аналог собран мной и проверен в работе - только корпус прямоугольный без закруглений а разъемы такие же, кнопка КРАСНАЯ, все функции фирменного - всего 899 руб.


Микроконтроллер PIC18F2550 прошитый для самостоятельного изготовления программатора  PICkit2 можно приобрести отдельно за 239 рублей  + схема и и рисунок платы.

Прочитайте подробно о  PICkit2 и о его возможностях.

Средняя цена фирменного - 1550 рублей !


Программаторы изготовлены качественно, надежно
, высылаются полностью собранные, протестированные и готовые к работе. К программаторам получаемым по почте приложен бесплатно
DVD диск с драйверами для программаторов, ПО для разработки программ для AVR PIC ARM 8051  и огромным количеством документации от производителей МК и множеством книг по микроконтроллерам и электронике на русском языке, учебными материалами для начинающих.  


Вы можете приобрести уникальный DVD
всего за  199 рублей с пересылкой по России.

Скачайте содержание этого DVD и ознакомьтесь.



Прошивка, программирование микроконтроллеров AVR PIC ARM 8051 LPC на заказ  вашими прошивками. Вы присылаете прошивку - я проверяю, что файл читается программатором и сообщаю вам номер счета, вы переводите деньги, я покупаю нужный МК, прошиваю и отправляю вам.

Цена услуги со стоимостью услуги по покупке МК

25 рублей при прошивке 21 микроконтроллера и более

35 рублей за 11-20 МК
45 рублей за 5-10 МК
65 рублей за 2-4 МК
80 рублей за 1 МК

Для популярных AVR   ATmega8  ATmega16 ATmega169  ATtiny2313  AT90s2313  ATtiny13  и популярных PIC16F84  PIC18F452  PIC18F2550  PIC18c508  PIC16F628  PIC24FJ64GA002  dsPIC30F2010  dsPIC30F2020  dsPIC30F2012  стоимость прошивки одного МК  - 60 рублей.



Цены могут уменьшаться при комбинации ЛЮБЫХ услуг  например получение различных компонентов  в "Тэрраэлектроника" + прошивка AVR  PIC из этой закупки естественно будет стоить дешевле.

Есть прошивки ко многим конструкторам наборам МастерКит и других производителей - стоимость таких прошивок подлежит отдельной оплате. Спрашивайте какие прошивки вам нужны.

6) Я могу купить вам наборы электронные МастерКит и других производителей - собрать и настроить и отправить вам, цена услуги от 500 рублей.

7) Изготовление печатных плат по лазерно утюжной технологии - ЛУТ - по вашим рисункам для печати на лазерном принтере. 

8) Изготовить, спаять нужную вам схему, электронное устройство.

9) Разработать нужное вам устройство по КОНКРЕТНОМУ техническому заданию.

10) Разработать новую прошивку для любых электронных устройств или наборов МастерКит и аналогичных.



  1. Autonomous Self-parking car (MP4, MP4)
  2. Holonomic Drive Vehicle with Stochastic Evolution
  3. Ball Picker Robot (MP4)
  4. BalanceBot (MP4)
  5. Snakearm Multiple PID motor controller (with Wiimote!) (MP4)
  6. Electric Etch (MP4, MP4)
  7. POV display (MP4) (hackaday)
  8. POV display
  9. Alarm clock with speech synthesis
  10. Blackout game
  11. ESD Foam Touch Controlled Brick Blaster
  12. NES emulator (uelectronics, )
  13. Laser Audio Transmitter
  14. Voice Tuner
  15. Wireless music player
  16. Multisensor Data Transmission
  17. Heliostat (MP4)
  18. Wii Conductor
  19. Musical Blocks
  20. Tic Tac Toe with CMOS Camera
  21. Robot Plotter

Spring 2008

(hackaday, hackedgadgets, hackszine, AVRfreaks, scienceprog, uelectronics, BricoGeek, electronicsinfoline, boxedgeek, societyOfRobots, www.kmitl.ac.th, rickeyworld, bothack, avrprojects, fatmatrix, olimex, degroof, nerdkit, embedds, hacknmod, uchobby, deccancode, Esskay Institute)
  1. PowerBox: smart AC outlet with metering and control
  2. Rhythm Ring: Interactive Rhythm Sequencer (MP4 video) (youtube and another)
  3. Trumpet MIDI Controller (MP4 video) (longer 53 Mbyte MP4 video)
  4. Air Drums (MP4 video), (MOV video) (youtube)
  5. Recorder Hero (MP4 video)
  6. Dueling Banjos (MP4 video)
  7. Intelligent wireless pedometer
  8. Networked Biometric Authentication
  9. Easy Input -head controlled mouse and keyboard interface (MP4 video1, video2)
  10. Virtual Keyboard (Circuit Cellar Magazine, issue #227, June 2009 page 14-19)
  11. 3D LED display (MOV video 60 Mbyte) (MP4 video)
  12. BordFree videogame (MP4 video)
  13. Haptic glove (MP4 video1, video2)
  14. High Speed Photography Controller
  15. 3D Maze in a Box video game (MP4 video)
  16. 3D Video Game Control (MP4 video)
  17. Multi-Player Light Cycle on Color TV (MP4 video)
  18. Gesture-driven Tetris (MP4 video)
  19. Remote Chess
  20. Data Acquisition System With Controller Area Network and SD Card
  21. Automotive On-Board Diagnostics Reader
  22. Adaptive 60 Hz Noise Cancellation
  23. Neural Net Helicopter (MP4 video)
  24. Accelerometer Controlled R/C Vehicle (MP4 video)
  25. Robot Arm (MP4 video)
  26. Help Quit Smoking Watch
  27. Electronic Impact Vest (MP4 video) (hacknmod) (Gizmodo)
  28. TouchSynth (MP4 video)
  29. TriWheeler robot (MP4 video) (youtube)
  30. Music Wand: Real-Time Optical Scanning of Sheet Music (MP4 video)
  31. Teaching an old clock (GE® Model 8116k) new tricks
  32. Shark Tag Microcontroller Platform
  33. Ghost Writer Robot (MP4 video)
  34. Rocket Inertial Navigation System (MP4 video)
  35. Guitar Tuner (MP4 video) (youtube)
  36. Scheme Interpreter
  37. Minigolf video game (MP4 video)
  38. Battlezone video game
  39. Laser Simon
  40. Snake Arm Glove
  41. Wiimote Crane
  42. Radio Beacon Finder

Spring 2007

(hack-a-day, Make Magazine, hackedgadgets, Hackzine, hack-n-mod, devtoys, AVRfreaks, bothack )
  1. Portable, color, tilt-controlled, video game (pictures 1, 2, 3, 4) (MP4-20MB)
  2. TouchPad video game (MP4-12MB)
  3. Laser Pong (mpeg: Bruce and Bryan playing) (blip.tv, gizmodo, ubergizmo, engadget )
    , Denmark April 2008, (picture of Adrian at show, coverage in Danish newspaper)
  4. Movement to Music: A Wearable Wireless Motion Sensor system (MP4-17MB)
  5. Music-controlled Puppet (MP4-21MB)
  6. Line-following car (mpeg) (YouTube)
  7. Audio homing robot (hackedgadgets)
  8. Model retina: color tracker (mpeg)(MP4-23MB)
  9. Evolving neural robot
  10. MCU MIDI synthesizer
  11. AirJam: wearable air guitar (pictures 1, 2) (MP4-23MB)
  12. USB host controller (obsolete 476 version: USB host controller)
  13. UDP/Ethernet Controlled Temperature Regulator
  14. Dynamically reconfigurable MCU communication (local copy)
  15. Telescope controller
  16. Morse code interpreter, with speech synthesis
  17. Complex impedance analyzer
  18. uControl DVD macro-controller
  19. SD card MP3 player
  20. iPod controller
  21. USB Magnetic Mouse/Touchpad
  22. Polygraph (hacked-gadgets)
  23. Elevator Bank
  24. Pinball machine (MP4-15Mb)
  25. Guitar legend maker
  26. Braille reader
  27. Ultrasonic parking aid
  28. Retractable Alarm Clock (hackedgadgets)
  29. Autonomous Blimp (hackedgadgets)
  30. Automatic pet feeder
  31. Programmable medication scheduler
  32. CCD imager
  33. CalcParser
  34. Firefly synchronization
  35. Graphing calculator
  36. Speech recognition jukebox
  37. Speech recognition chess
  38. Sound Source Triangulation Game
  39. Touch Screen Controlled R/C Car
  40. AppleII emulator

Spring 2006

(hack-a-day, Make Magazine, AVRfreaks, bothack)
  1. HDD analog clock with LCD touchscreen
  2. CUAUV Voltage Sniffer
  3. CUsat diagnostic board
  4. SearchBot (mpeg)
  5. RoboSweeper (mpeg, another mpeg)
  6. CoolerBot
  7. MCU/FPGA color video Game Platform (mpeg)
  8. Higher resolution color TV
  9. Color TV using two MCUs
  10. Musical Water Fountain (mpeg) (avi 20 Mbytes with sound)
  11. Two-TV video air Hockey (mpeg)
  12. Karaoke machine
  13. Dual control R/C car
  14. Guitar Synthesizer
  15. Self-powered solar data logger (Circuit Cellar magazine, issue #198, Jan 2007, page 12 , toc)
  16. Lighting control system
  17. Intelligent multimedia
  18. ADPCM voice recorder
  19. Reflow oven controller (Circuit Cellar magazine, issue #199, Feb 2007, page 46 )
  20. Ultrasonic spotlight tracker
  21. Galvanic skin response meter
  22. RFID security system (AVR design contest 2006) (Circuit Cellar magazine, issue #199, Feb 2007, page 24)(hackedgadgets)
  23. Autonomous Helicopter (mpeg) (AVR design Contest 2006 ) (hackedgadgets)
  24. Voice recognition car
  25. Speech recognition security system
  26. Morse code transmit and receive
  27. Secure LED
  28. SwingBot (mpeg)
  29. SwingBot (mpeg)
  30. Barcode scanner
  31. Soccermania video game
  32. Capacitance sensor MIDI keyboard
  33. Grillzilla wireless meat thermometer
  34. Para-para-revolution video game (mpeg)
  35. SnakeArm ultrasonic positioning control
  36. Sign language coach (mpeg)
  37. Radial ChalkBot
  38. Bicycle computer
  39. Handwriting Recognition System
  40. GPS World
  41. Video puzzle
  42. Chess Robot

Spring 2005

(AVR Freaks)
  1. kaOS operating system and loader (Circuit Cellar Magazine, Issue #193 Aug 2006 page 56) (AVR design contest 2006)
  2. Keyboard mania (mpeg 19 Mbyte)
  3. Super Breakout video game (mpeg 1.9 Mbytes)
  4. Jezzball video game
  5. Duckhunt video game (mpeg 2.4 Mbytes)
  6. The Contender video game (mpeg 4.5 Mbytes)
  7. Big Red Juice Mixer (Slashdot article Monday, May 2, 2005)
  8. Color Tetris video game
  9. LightRover - light sensing robot
  10. PPP-Palm
  11. WeatherDog
  12. Virtual Pool (wmv 900 Kbytes) (Circuit Cellar Magazine, Issue #184 November 2005 )
  13. AirMouse (Circuit Cellar Magazine, Issue #191 June 2006, article)
  14. SharpShooter video game
  15. Neural net robot
  16. Wireless Electromyograph
  17. Stepper Motor Indexer & Decoder
  18. Turbidity meter
  19. Human Motion Capture
  20. Accelerometer Mouse
  21. Wireless Telemetry (avi 6 Mbytes) (HackADay Feb 16, 2006)
  22. Portable Security System
  23. Blood Pressure Monitor
  24. Missle Command video game
  25. Super Breakout video game (some images broken)
  26. Breathalyser door lock
  27. Programmable IR receiver and Connect-4 game
  28. MIDI drum controller
  29. Vocal Tuner
  30. RoboDog
  31. PC temperature control
  32. Dungeons of Doom video game
  33. Dual control RC car
  34. Solar Tracker
  35. GPS/inertial guidance
  36. Digger video game
  37. Gauntlet of uComputation
  38. CubeSat Diagnostics board
  39. Digital voice recorder
  40. ISREVER (Reversi) video game
  41. Frequency Division Multiplexing for a Multi-Sensor Wireless Telemetry System
  42. Shooting star video game
  43. Electronic Dartboard
  44. Kasubana electronic flower
  45. Bar Inventory System
  46. Voting Machine
  47. EyeSnake video game
  48. Digital Guitar tuner
  49. Automated Juice Mixer
  50. Mega32 webserver (code)

Spring 2004

(robotics India, )
  1. Digital Stethoscope (Mpeg of display)
  2. Graduate from Cornell video game
  3. Flat Bed Scanner
  4. Non-orthogonal Plotter (mpeg)
  5. Mouse Painter
  6. Paint with mouse input
  7. Radio Controlled outlet strip
  8. Autonomous navigating robot (mpeg)
  9. Nova Strike video game
  10. Digital Compass
  11. MiniGolf video game with putter
  12. MiniGolf video game (mpeg)
  13. Programmable remote control
  14. Electr-O-Sketch (slashdot article) (Forbes article, follow the Custom Gadgets You Can't Buy link)
  15. Pong2
  16. Ultrasonic Rangefinder
  17. Mega32 Basic
  18. Music Synthesizer with Interactive TV Display
  19. Laser Morse code tutor
  20. Pump It Up audio game
  21. Guitar Tuner
  22. Beverage Monitor (slashdot article)
  23. MP3 radio
  24. Smart blinds
  25. Keypaw
  26. Home Security System
  27. Bar Code Scanner
  28. Implementation of a (31, 16) BCH code on a Microcontroller
  29. Ball Fight Video Game
  30. Breath Alcohol Tester
  31. WinAmp controller
  32. WinAmp Controller
  33. Eye-in-the-sky (mpeg of camera head)
  34. Xylophone
  35. Scorched Earth video game
  36. WonderSwan Development Cartridge
  37. Star Duel video game
  38. Big Red Map (Mpeg of engineering quad)
  39. Missle Command video game
  40. 3D gForce mouse
  41. Stationary Helicopter (mpeg)
  42. Remote control car
  43. Weather Station
  44. BlindBot
  45. Infrared Tracking System

Spring 2003

(AVR Freaks)
  1. Inverted Pendulum Balancer
  2. Variable Traffic Controller
  3. MazeRunner Video Game
  4. 6502 Emulation on an Atmel Mega32
  5. Electronic Virtual Animal
  6. Arkanoid Video Game
  7. Cantneroid Video Game
  8. Digi-Level
  9. Reversi Video Game
  10. Guitar Special Effects
  11. Tap the Dance
  12. Graphing Calculator
  13. Dartboard with Video
  14. Memory Video Game
  15. Treasure of the High Seas Video Game
  16. PacMan Video Game
  17. SpaceInvaders Video Game
  18. Space Fighter Video Game
  19. Frogger Video Game
  20. MIDI synthesizer
  21. Radio Control Car
  22. Sound Effects Processor
  23. Battleship Video Game
  24. Wireless Keyboard
  25. DuckHunter Video Game
  26. MineSweeper Video Game
  27. Vehicle Performance Meter
  28. Digital Preamplifier
  29. Tetris Video Game
  30. Hockey Video Game
  31. Gray-scale Graphics: Dueling Ships
  32. Connect-4 Video Game
  33. Laser Light Show
  34. Wireless Drawing Device
  35. Laser Communications System
  36. TouchPad Drawing Board
  37. IntelliBot
  38. Sheet Music Generator
  39. TCP/IP
  40. Multi-Zone Fire Alarm System

Spring 2002

  1. Scanning Tunneling Microscope
  2. Tic-Tac-Toe on TV
  3. Snake on TV
  4. Hard drive AVR programmer
  5. Audio Frequency Response Analyzer
  6. Line following autonomous car
  7. Safety-sensor vehicle
  8. MP3 Player
  9. MP3 Player
  10. Simon
  11. GPS AmeriMap
  12. Home security system
  13. Voice Activated Alarm Clock
  14. Russianbloc on LCD
  15. Pong on LCD
  16. Pong on oscilloscope
  17. Music Synthesizer
  18. Club Light Controller
  19. Blackjack2go
  20. Blackjack
  21. Globe
  22. Accelerometer Gmouse
  23. Postage meter
  24. Digital Hourglass
  25. Cornopoly on LCD
  26. Phone Dialer
  27. Laser Tag
  28. Robot Cricket
  29. WindCaddy
  30. Hovercraft
  31. Sound targeting
  32. Nintendo 64 to PS/2 Mouse
  33. Golf

Spring 2001

(Several projects were featured in Circuit Cellar magazine: #145 page 44-51 and #146 page 12-16: 2002)
  1. Fish: Video Controller
  2. PBX (Private Branch Exchange)
  3. Vertical Plotter
  4. X-Y Plotter
  5. Fertilizer Feedrate Controller
  6. Home Audio Control System
  7. SuperTrain Controller
  8. Digital Mirror Message Machine
  9. MP3 CD SuperJukebox
  10. Pre-emptive Operating System
  11. Wireless Internet Pager
  12. Wireless message Communicator
  13. Robot Arm
  14. Tilt Maze
  15. Ultra-Sonic Parking Assistant
  16. Cooking Coach
  17. BiLines
  18. gEECShip
  19. Graphing Calculator
  20. Web-based AVR Interface
  21. Midi Sequencer
  22. ECG monitoring system
  23. Autonomous Tank
  24. ZIP drive/Digital Camera

Spring 2000

  1. Digital Message Machine
  2. Web-Monitored Thermostat
  3. Analog modem
  4. Robot Arm
  5. Security Entrance System
  6. Radio-controlled Truck
  7. Temperature Datalogger
  8. MP3 player
  9. Pong
  10. Snake 476
  11. Ultimate Alarm Clock
  12. Beat Tracking Strobe
  13. Guitar Special effects: The Shredder
  14. Drum machine and Sequencer
  15. Digital Thermometer
  16. Digital Oscilloscope
  17. Arbitrary Waveform Generator
  18. 8-Trak Sampler
  19. Serial-port game board
  20. Secure RSA Credit Card Transaction System
  21. Mini Area Network
  22. Autonomous Robotic Cricket
  23. Zen Touchpad

Spring 1999

  1. Porche 911 Radio Controlled Car
  2. Autonomous Vehicle
  3. Spectrum Analyser
  4. Real-Time Guitar Tuner
  5. Whack-a-Cap
  6. CU Organizer
  7. Malay Language Learning kit
  8. Fixed point scientific calculator
  9. Etch-a-Sketch
  10. Real-time debugger
  11. VT100 Pong
  12. Home Security System
  13. Infrared Universal Remote Control
  14. Car Alarm System
  15. Hangman
  16. Simon
  17. Simon
  18. Answering Machine
  19. Thermostat
  20. BlackJack
  21. Blackjack
  22. Lego Vehicle
  23. RC car controller
  24. Sinewave Synthesizer
  25. Temperature and Pressure Control
  26. Video Frame Buffer




Как прошить микроконтроллер AVR


Ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы по программированию микроконтроллеров
(скачать FAQ)

Компиляторы CVAVR, WinAVR, ICC, IAR, KEIL


Краткий Курс - Самоучитель

Микроконтроллеры AVR ,  ATmega
и ATtiny для начинающих с нуля ! 



Симуляторы PROTEUS
   и VMLAB   
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BiLines AVR Tetris, AT90S8515

Published on Friday, April 7th, 2006
BiLines AVR Tetris, AT90S8515

Project description:
We decided we wanted to build a Tetris-like game for our final 476 project. We felt this project would challenge our hardware and software skills. We liked the numerous optional features that we could add but were not crucial. For copyright reasons, we decided to change the rules and the pieces from the classic Tetris game and renamed it “BiLines”.
Seiko G321D Graphic module

Link: BiLines AVR Tetris, AT90S8515


Web-based AVR Interface, AT90S8535

Published on Friday, April 7th, 2006
Web-based AVR Interface, AT90S8535

Project description:
In the vein of today’s trends to embed networking cababilities into simple appliances, our project implements a webpage interface for the Atmel AVR microcontroller. One of the original motivations of this project was to develop a low-level network interface for the Atmel device, specifically by controlling an ISA network card (see the eAVR Project) to transmit UDP packets across the Internet. We greatly modified our original plans once we found out about the SitePlayer device.
SitePlayer Ethernet Webserver device
Link: Web-based AVR Interface, AT90S8535


MIDI Sequencer, AT90S8515

Published on Friday, April 7th, 2006
MIDI Sequencer, AT90S8515

Project description:
My goal was to create a sequencer that is basic, yet has enough functionality to be useful, and not just an academic exercise. Because of hardware contstraints, I decided to build something that was more of a “sketchpad” for musical ideas with several basic functions that could be used with ease. This is something that is fairly unique in the world of MIDI sequencers, which generally tend to try to pack in as many functions as possible, resulting in a complex user interface using multiple menus, and requiring many button-pushes just to perform simple editing functions.

Link: MIDI Sequencer, AT90S8515 


The Autonomous Tank, AT90S8515

Published on Sunday, April 2nd, 2006
The Autonomous Tank, AT90S8515

Project description:
We aim at building an autonomous vehicle, “Homer”, which can stroll around an environment (e.g. our lab, or an environment that we build) without getting stuck at obstacles. That implies that we need a robust algorithm that tells the vehicle how to steer when it gets into different obstacle situations.   The goal would be to demonstrate a vehicle that will run by itself and not get stuck or bump into any obstructions.
Sharp GP2D02
Link: The Autonomous Tank, AT90S8515


The Zip Drive and Digital Camera, AT90S8515

Published on Sunday, April 2nd, 2006
The Zip Drive and Digital Camera, AT90S8515

Project description:
The original motivation behind our project was a desire to interface with some type of real world device. Since one of the clear limitations of the Atmel chipset is the lack of storage space, we felt it would be useful if we could connect to some type of mass media storage device. Implementing a SCSI interface would allow us to connect to virtually any type of storage device - hard drives, CD-ROM drives, and various removable media. Since Sean had a SCSI Zip drive lying around his apartment, our project concept began to come together.

Link: The Zip Drive and Digital Camera, AT90S8515


Security Entrance System, AT90S8535

Published on Saturday, April 1st, 2006
Security Entrance System, AT90S8535

Project description:
Our security system is a stand alone device that allows access to registered users identified by their magnetic cards.(For this project, “access” is represented by a lit LED, showing how the system could be used to control an external locking mechanism.)

Link: Security Entrance System, AT90S8535


Digital Message Machine, AT90LS8515

Published on Saturday, April 1st, 2006
Digital Message Machine, AT90LS8515

Project description:
For my final design project I decided to design and build a digital dot matrix message device. I’ve seen devices similar to this before and I wanted to find out if I could build one myself. The display consists of 7 LEDs in a vertical row. By moving them fast enough back and forth over each other, I can display a message which appears to be generated by a 7*n matrix of LEDs and not a single column of LEDs.

Link: Digital Message Machine, AT90LS8515


Analog Modem Design Project, AT90S8535

Published on Saturday, April 1st, 2006
Analog Modem Design Project, AT90S8535

Project description:
We thought it would be interesting to try and construct a simple modem out of the ATMEL 8535. The main motivation for doing this was to test some DSP theories about the effects of transmission power, noise, and modulation technique on the bit error rate. Initially, we wanted to connect our modem to the public telephone network; however, the voltage, current, and bandwidth constraints over a phone line would have made the project much more complex. Instead, we chose to use a simple wire channel, and focus our efforts on actually transmitting and receiving the signal waveform.

Link: Analog Modem Design Project, AT90S8535


Ping Pong, AT90S8535

Published on Wednesday, March 29th, 2006
Ping Pong, AT90S8535

Project description:
We used an Atmel AT90S8535 microcontroller for this project. We used the ADC on the chip to read the positions of the potentiometer controllers (see Hardware). The game is for two player simultaneous play, although we found it is also challenging and fun to play against yourself using both controllers.

Link: Ping Pong, AT90S8535


Hummer RC Truck, AT90S8535

Published on Wednesday, March 29th, 2006
Hummer RC Truck, AT90S8535

Project description:
For our final project, we decided to enhance the controls of a Hummer RC truck. Our main objective was to demonstrate that an Atmel microcontroller together with basic hardware building blocks can replace all of the car’s original circuitry. Improving the RC truck’s handling involved adding analog control over steering and speed. The original construction of the car hindered this idea and forced us to resort to some mechanical engineering (mounting a servo) to resolve the problem! Overall, the project was a great deal of fun and involved a lot of tinkering with hardware (including dangerous flirtations with nearly exploding power transistors!)

Link: Hummer RC Truck, AT90S8535


Snake 476, AT90S8515

Published on Wednesday, March 29th, 2006
Snake 476, AT90S8515

Project description:
NOKIA cellphone game, Snake, implemented on a graphic LCD with an ATMEL AT90S8515 MCU.

Link: Snake 476, AT90S8515


The Ultimate Alarm Clock, AT90S8535

Published on Wednesday, March 29th, 2006
The Ultimate Alarm Clock, AT90S8535

Project description:
Our alarm clock features a large, bright time display, easily visible in the bedroom. It also features a loud, irritating alarm, sure to wake even the soundest of sleepers. By far the most innovative part of the alarm is the LCD display, which gives the date, alarm status, and status for setting the clock.

Link: The Ultimate Alarm Clock, AT90S8535 


Drum Machine, AT90S8535

Published on Wednesday, March 29th, 2006
Drum Machine, AT90S8535

Project description:
This is a drum Machine, sampler, a wavetable synthesizer and a sequencer combined, all capable of interfacing with any standard MIDI device!
QTC 2601
Link: Drum Machine, AT90S8535


Digital thermometer, AT90S8535

Published on Wednesday, March 29th, 2006
Digital thermometer, AT90S8535

Project description:
Our final project involved the design of a fully functional, multi-purpose digital thermometer. This was our attempt at producing a portable device that could be widely used for a variety of different purposes. For example, think of the many situations where the precise measurement of temperature is of high importance. Temperature control and monitoring is important in homes for the comfort